I opened my eyes and I saw; and hence I am sad.

Vietnam is place where all things 'modern' seemed unnecessary
No, they don't have to check their emails to find out if their friends are looking for them... no, they didn't even need telephones in certain places. Do you have to walk on perfectly paved roads? No, it's a luxury. Does everyone lady have to wear the latest and greatest fashion from Paris, Milan or Tokyo to look good? No, most of them CANNOT afford it and for that I thank my lucky stars; finally, I see ladies shining through with their natural beauty and not because of L'oreal or LV.
In the hills of Sapa, I saw happiness.... real joy... beauty in people as well as of the land. And all these whilst trudging thourgh a wet, muddy hill trail and bathing in my own sweat under the cheap raincoat that I bought.
I can still hear the laughter of the little Hmong girls when they trek up and down the muddy trail where they call home. I heard true and genuine laughter but where is that joy in the city?
Is there anything else for us to be happy with besides getting our next paycheck? More money? The new house? The BMW 7-series?