Stretchie and curvie~!

"How do they do that?", "Doesn't it hurt?" or "Do they have bones at all?" were the questions that were constantly on my mind. It is quite amazing how flexible (and inflexible, in my case) the human body can be with a bit of training. Of course, these are instructors; but they did assure me that with time and training, even my 200lb self can perform some of what they did that day.
Attractive as their offer were, I think I'd stick to photographing Yoga instead. ;-)
In any case, I think this was the most enjoyable "corporate portrait"shoot I

At the end of the supposedly 3hr session with 60-70 shots, I ended up with around 350 shots in 1.5hrs and everyone was tired, including my client; so we called it a day. looking forward to my next "portrait" job with a Yoga studio. Hahaha... :P
Wow, this is interesting!
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