
I was dazzled by Master Pang Piao Kan's creativity and amazed by his ability to 'see the image'. "To make the convetional seem unconventional and amazing is photography!", Master Pang said and his images proved that. Larger than life, yet it depicts life itself... amazing yet rooted in reality.
Today, I was inspired greatly by a talk given by Mr. Steve Chong (www.stevechong.com), a renowned conceptual photographer. The talk introduced me into what it means to photograph concepts rather than reality itself... a huge departure from what I normally do.
Having heard 2 talks by an old master, Mr. Pang, that makes the conventional unconvetional and having seen the out-of-this-world work by Mr. Steve Chong; I can say that these 2 days have given me most inspiration for as long as I have been photographing.